What I have worked on!

Brand Strategy

magazine preview

Kalahari Publishers

Link: Read here

weather project preview

The ePreneur

Link: Read here

weather project preview

Social Media

Link: Read here

Online Publications

magazine preview

The Kalahari Review

Link: Read here

magazine preview

Zesty Food Magazine

Link: Read here

weather project preview

True Love Magazine

Link: Read here

weather project preview

The ePreneur

Link: Read here

Books and Articles

dictionary project preview

AI Book Project

Built with Midjourney and ChatGPT

weather project preveiew


Designed with Canva, Google Docs, Grammarly

weather project preveiew

Substack Articles

Read Here

Design and Websites

dictionary project preview

Spa Website

Designed with figma

weather project preveiew

Food Website

Built with HTML, CSS and javascript

weather project preveiew

Sports Website

Built with HTML, CSS and javascript